ITexpress BACS Service

ITexpress Technology Group is an approved BACS Bureau and is authorised to make payments on behalf of organisations not wishing to submit files directly to BACS themselves. This service allows you to make regular payments to BACS without the need to purchase software or having the responsibility of ensuring that files are transmitted correctly to BACS.

ITexpress Bureau Service can transmit various types of transactions to BACS on behalf, such as payroll and supplier payments as well as any irregular applications such as refunds or expenses. By automating your payments in this way, you can enjoy the benefits of predictable and controlled cash flow as this service allows you to control precisely when you wish the payments to be made.

So, what’s the first step?

You will need to be registered as an Indirect Submitter and been allocated a Service User number. To do this, please contact the Relationship Manager of your account holding bank for the relevant forms. ITexpress will be more than happy to assist you with completion of this form and sort out any queries.

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